My Blog List
On Trade and Trump’s Tariffs – Part 2
“Arguments in support of protectionism enchant only two sorts of people.
One is individuals who have something to gain from it at the larger public
7 hours ago
How to Believe in Free Speech
(June 12, 2018 02:56 PM, by Bryan Caplan) Almost all libertarians earnestly
say, "I believe in free speech." Normally, though, this goes way beyond
the ri...
6 years ago
To the Streets: Occupy Wall Street moves to Main Streets
The "Occupy Wall Street" movement is moving to Main Streets across the
globe. It's about time. But I fear that the movement will be captured by
the far lef...
13 years ago
A Crypto Fairy Tale
From the wise Owen Lamont.
3 days ago
गरीबी हटाओ की नहीं, अमीरी लाओ की जरूरत
दैनिक भास्कर | 25 जुलाई 2019
कुछ दिनों पहले रविवार की रात एक टीवी शो
में एंकर ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के 5
लाख करोड़ डॉलर के जीडीपी के लक्ष्य का तिरस्...
5 years ago
The Innovation Economy T-Shirt
If you're reading this, you are likely a member of the Innovation Economy
here in New England: someone who *makes things happen.*
So this t-shirt is for y...
15 years ago
Return on Equity, Earnings Yield and Market Efficiency: Back to Basics!
While I was working on my last two data updates for 2025, I got
sidetracked, as I am wont to do, by two events. The first was the response
that I recei...
3 days ago
ca va?
Many years ago before the World War II, a blitzkrieg of German soldiers
would come right up to the border in their Panzer tanks and turn their guns
at a po...
13 years ago
China Skepticism
(I wrote this after my visit to Shanghai and Beijing in May ’10, as part of
my MBA program at Duke. I originally circulated it around with friends and
13 years ago
New Site @
Dear avid TVHE readers, We’ve finally set up our own hosting and have a new
site at, if you could be so kind as to set your
16 years ago
Cautionary Tales – the Nursery Rhyme that Ruined a Rock Band
“Down Under” was huge. This jokey ode to legendary Australian wanderlust
helped Men at Work win a Grammy and was a key part of the band’s creative
legacy. ...
1 day ago
Inside Money In SERE
Like I wrote in the last post, I don't normally post on this blog at all.
But I have a story from the spouse of an undergraduate student that I'd
like to b...
8 years ago
My Fav books
- The world is Flat by Thomas Friedman
- Principles of Economics by Ben Bernanke
- Micro Economics by Michael Parkin
- Principles of Economics by Mankiw
- Arthur Hailey-Money Changers, Hotel, Wheels, Final Diagnosis
- Barack Obama , The New face of American Politics
- Undercover Economist - Tim Harford
- Freakonomics